Just wanted to post on the Neighborhood Bible Study. We have met twice thus far and it is going quite well. Our first meeting was on Aug. 26, when we hosted a barbecue for the people on our street. We invited them for fun, food, and fellowship and to discuss the possibility of interest in beginning a neighborhood Bible study. Believers, seekers, skeptics and doubters are welcome the invitation read. Twelve showed up and we had an awesome time. After the dinner and non-cheesy ice-breakers, we began a discussion about what we would ask God if we could ask Him one question. Mike began by talking about Jason and how he would ask God about why he had to die after finally turning his life around from drugs, alcohol, etc., and living for Christ for four years. Then others began to articulate their questions and the discussion went well. One man shared that the day before we hand-delivered the invitations that he prayed and asked God, "that if he were to grow in his faith, how would he go about doing that and could God give him a sign."
He said that after we left his house, he asked his wife what we were doing and she told him that we had just invited them to a barbecue and bible study. He said that he was startled!! He recognized that God was answering him. We had no idea that God had orchestrated our timing in response to his question of faith. But, we were not surprised. Everyone that came has planned to meet at our house every other week. It is obvious that God has brought us together and we are truly getting to know one another as neighbors should. PTL!! We know He is doing an awesome work among us. <><