Thursday, June 19, 2014

Should I be Praying For Her?

Do you ever think that when you run into an acquaintance at a seemingly random place numerous times within in a short period of days that perhaps God is up to something and might just expect you to begin praying for them?   This thought has come to my mind recently.  It just seems strange to me that to continue to "bump" into someone over and over to the point that we laugh about it but then stop short of recognizing divine intervention.  Then we reason it away or merely chalk it up to coincidence.  Or is God more intentional and deliberate and constantly setting us up to "work" for Him in the area of prayer? I believe He is!

I personally think that prayer is the most powerful form of communication.  And I honestly think that, we as His children, have the huge potential to intercede on behalf of His Kingdom and purposes at any given moment.  I don't really believe that we understand just how much influence and power we bear when it comes to helping others with our prayers.  It takes faith to pray.  But it's really an amazing concept if you think about it.  In 1962, the push to stop prayer in public schools began and we were told to stop praying in school but no one can really stop anyone from praying silently in their hearts.  Of course, God knew this would happen and I am extremely grateful that He is so insightful and genius for coming up with this blessed communication line.  He is a wireless God.

So now that He has laid someone on my heart and gotten my attention by putting them in my path several times, I plan to take the next month or so and lift her up in prayer and ask Him exactly what I should pray for her.  He does have prayer requests, ya know.  Why wouldn't He with so many children?  LOL. And He isn't afraid to make them known when we take the time to ask and listen.

"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them." 1 Timothy 2:1 NLT

"And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare."  Jeremiah 29:7 NLT