This is the theme for the Women's ministry event that will be held on August 28 at the church. Tina Hutchison is the guest speaker and as I spoke to her on the phone last week she asked me and the team to come up with a phrase or word that she felt God was speaking to us. I had shared with her that He had been speaking to me out of Isaiah 58 about being a "well-watered garden." We also talked about my new landscaping that was planted in early June and discussed the importance of good soil, sun and watering the new bushes until deep roots were established. She mentioned the verse in Isaiah 61 that speaks of a garden harvest that becomes "a display of His splendor." The parallel is this: God has been calling the WEM team (women's enrichment ministry) to become that garden in order to authentically and genuinely minister to women in the church. We have been at a crossroad that actually began when our former leader, Pat Shrewsbury, passed away in July 2008. At our "meeting" last monday night, we did not come up with a phrase except to laugh and say that we were all cracked pots that needed sealing. This meeting per say was so much more in that it was a time of confession, repentance, forgiveness, and restoration as we were recognizing that as a team, we had not cried out to the LORD after Pat had died and asked Him where we go from here. Big mistake, actually, because he generally sets up new leadership even before the transference is to take place (ala Moses.......Joshua, David......Soloman, etc!!). As a result, we had struggled for quite some time with disunity, relational issues, power struggles, lack of honest confrontation among other serious things that had not been addressed. And God let us go. And go. Things got worse. I began to trace back our path when I realized that we had moved ahead without even checking this out with Him. Finally, it hit me that our sin as a team was "not stopping to inquire of Him." This was all brought up, addressed and agreed upon, confessed as sin, not to mention forgiving one another for hurts and such at the Monday (7/26/10) meeting and it was now time to move forward as per the LORD's instructions.
Long story long, when it came time to call Tina Hutchison back last Tuesday (7/27/10), I had nothing concrete. I googled a few words and did a to get the greek word meanings to help me come up with an appropriate theme. I wanted it to be profound yet funny. I had mentioned to Tina on the phone the day before that my gardening skillz consisted of planting two topsy turvy tomatoes from my deck for the second year in a row. We both laughed so I had thought it would be neat to use the topsy turvy reference. After coming up with nothing that seemed "theme-ish" enough to be official, I did what I should have done hours earlier....go to ye ole prayer closet, get on my face and inquire of the LORD. After just a few minutes of asking Him what to call it along with some moments of silence ala "be still and know" from Psalm 46:10, the phrase, "Planting For Eternity In A Topsy Turvy World" just popped into my head. And I knew it was Him!!!! I was so excited that I jumped to my feet and thanked Him. Then I leaped down the stairs continuing to jump and leap some more before calling Tina with our theme. God had come through!!!! He rocks that way. Yes He does!!!
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