Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Medical Mission Trip

Trip Report –World Medical Mission
Soddo Christian Hospital
July 29-Aug. 13, 2013

My family and I traveled to Soddo, Ethiopia, in order for my husband, Mike, to work in the orthopedics department at Soddo Christian Hospital for a short-term medical mission trip.   The fact that this hospital was a haven of hope for the injured and sick, spoke of His great love. 

We stayed in the guesthouse which was very nice.  It was on the hospital campus so the “commute” was only a 2-minute walk to work.  Mike stayed very busy doing surgery every day as the need for orthopedic surgeons is great.  He enjoyed working at Soddo and did see a lot more trauma than he sees in his practice in the United States.  He loved all of the hospital employees including Dr. Duane Anderson who is the full-time orthopedic surgeon and learned a lot on the job. 
He was asked to speak in chapel and share some of his testimony which he did on Aug. 7th.  He also participated in weekly bible study with some of the hospital employees.

My daughter, Molly, stepson, Jonny, and I helped out Jackie Anderson at the Hope Learning Center, which is a school on the hospital campus that teaches English from the bible.  The students (ages 10-18) were a delight and we had an amazing time getting to know them.

We also volunteered to do various odd jobs and were able to organize the resident’s medical library by unboxing and arranging medical journals.  Jonny was also able to travel to the foot clinic and pray with patients while Molly and I traveled to a pre-natal clinic and assisted with blood pressure readings as well as fetal heart rate monitoring.  Both of these “daytrips” were out of our comfort zone but God gave us the confidence and equipped us to help out. 

We all thoroughly enjoyed our time in Soddo.  It is definitely a special place and the full-time missionary docs and their families were extremely kind and welcoming.  We are inquiring of the Lord as to when and if we are to return.

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