When I arrived, the head admin. guy was not there as it was the day after the Ethiopian New Year Holiday. I spoke with another employee who said the room with all of the books and games was locked and he didn't have access to the key. I thought to myself (what on earth was I going to do without the proper "supplies" to entertain these kids) and I thought about heading back home. I was nervous and out of my comfort zone. I kept praying for God to SHOW UP. I asked the guy in charge where I could find the kids and he pointed me to the cafeteria. They were in the process of sorting lentils which was one of their regular chores. I grabbed a seat between a couple of them. I just sat. They just stared and sorted beans. They remembered me from the painting party a few days earlier and they seemed excited for me to be there. They love attention (worldwide human nature ya know) and I believe they love adults who pay attention to them. They began to sing to me....HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It wasn't my birthday but it was actually only a couple of weeks away. I believe they knew I would know that song so it was a safe choice. I didn't prompt them to sing. But at the painting party days before, at the end, I initiated a "Jesus Loves Me" sing-a-long in which they quickly joined in. I think they remembered me as a "singer" and wanted to "speak" my love language. I just sat while they sorted and sang. They were so content and filled with peace. I kept praying silently asking God to work out the details of this visit. He most certainly did. I kept thinking, how am I going to "entertain" them?! What with the supply room locked and all. But God had a different day in mind. They would be the ones doing the entertaining. After the Happy Birthday song, they kept going. They broke into "Our God Is An Awesome God," and "Give Me Jesus." Their voices were incredible. And I was mesmerized. By them. And by God. We sat there together. And they serenaded me, singing of the love of God they clearly had a grasp on and were grateful for. His love was so evident that day. I knew He loved me. Through them. And they knew they were loved.
I was sorry Sophie missed it. But actually I now know I was supposed to go alone that day. As God held my hand, I stepped out of my comfort zone with Him. And the "angels" sang to me.
Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."