Planting For Eternity In A Topsy Turvy World came and went. A few highlights from Sat., Aug.28th, and my spin on what God was speaking through Tina Hutchison.
Do you want to be woman who is never able to acknowledge the Truth? Just what kind of plant are you in God's garden? Wilted? Dead? Plastic? Flourishing? Are you bearing fruit? How do you know if you are in the center of God's will? Are you in the desert? Are you growing as a Christian? Productive, rootful, fruitful? See: photosynthesis......light, air, and water. How's your soil? Does it need to be plowed up... how 'bout allowing God to break up your unplowed ground? Our soil is in the unseen realm of our lives. While the roots are growing, fruit is not; while the fruit is growing, the roots are not. Harvest must come in its due season. Soil must be prepared to house healthy roots. How's your soil? Path, rocky, thorny, good? Ephesians 3 speaks of being rooted and established in love. How do we get there? We must be grounded in God's Word by spending time of intimacy with Him daily. This is where we are fed and watered by the Master Gardener. Our roots must be connected to the source that sustains and breathes life in us. Deep roots secure and hold us in times of drought and storm. The root ball feeds and holds us in place. The deeper your roots are, the harder you are to uproot! Oaks of righteousness? A display of His splendor? We were meant to be. But ya gotta cooperate!! Then your life's meaning, experience and impact will go beyond your wildest dreams. You got this!
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